Summer Food Literacy Programming at Leataata Floyd Elementary
The month of June marks the end of the regular school year and the beginning of summer adventures for Sacramento’s youth. June also marks an extraordinary musk melon moment in Food Literacy Center’s history as we embark on our first food literacy program offered in a summer school setting.
During the summer months, many students are without federally funded free or reduced-price lunch, and are making more food decisions at home than during the regular school year. With only 25% of kids eating enough fruits and vegetables and a childhood obesity rate of 40% in Sacramento, it is critical that students receive food literacy education all year long.
We are grateful for the wonderful watermelon support of Sun & Soil Juice Company & Insight Coffee Roasters for making it possible for us to bring summer food literacy programming to Leataata Floyd Elementary School.
“When local businesses get involved with our food literacy education for kids, they’re helping us build a healthier community. The folks at Sun & Soil Juice Company and Insight Coffee Roasters are the broccoli best!” said Chief Food Genius Amber Stott. They care about the quality of the food their customers eat as well as what our kids are being fed in schools. We look forward to working together at Leataata Floyd Elementary School this summer!”
On Tuesday, our Food Literacy Genius Brenda Ruiz and an army of volunteers delivered the opening food literacy class for students attending Leataata Floyd Elementary School’s summer camp. In the opening class, students learned about the difference between fruits and vegetables, and made two different salads.
After the lesson, one of the students said, “Today, I learned that you can make different kinds of salads, not just vegetable ones.”
Another student said, “I learned that there is only one apple native to North America – the crabapple.”
With the generous support of Sun & Soil Juice Company and Insight Coffee Roasters we are able to deliver 7 weeks of food literacy education to these summer school students. They will learn about a variety of things – from the difference between fruits & veggies to the function of fiber in their bodies.
“Sun & Soil Juice Company is proud to be a sponsor of the Food Literacy Center’s summer program at Leataata Floyd Elementary. By making healthy food educational, delicious, and fun for kids, Food Literacy Center is making lasting impressions to lead to healthier lifestyles as adolescents and adults.” Molly Brown, Co-Founder.
The students at Leataata Floyd also have access to a small school garden where they learn about gardening. With the combination of exposure to fruits and vegetables in the garden and food literacy education, these students are going to be broccoli brainiacs about their food!
About Sun & Soil Juice Company
Founded in Sacramento in 2011 with a Mission to provide insight into quality coffee. SOURCE. ROAST. BREW.